Monday, April 5, 2010

Gotta get better at this!

I just want to say i'm soo.... sorry to my followers! I have been taking tons of pictures and working on my editing ability but haven't been posting. I really gotta work on getting in the habit of blogging! Well it was easter weekend , so of course i took tons of pictures but at the same time lots of them were just snapshots being as it was my little Urijah's First Easter! So i am still editing and seeing what would be appropriate for my blog being as this is my journey into photography, but it is so hard because i'm so addicted to actions i just want to play in photoshop all day! lol! But this is a picture I took last week of Urijah in his Easter outfit. Urijah was scared of the bunny so he wouldn't sit close. So a friend of mine named cheryle who is awesome at photography and editing you can check her out at her blog. Told me the steps to bring the bunny closer and now i love the picture so here is the before and after! Hope you can see i'm improving.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Well i started this blog to get insight and tips and constructive comments on my pictures. My dream is to do photography i love it. It is definately my passion i have a 8 month old son, Who right now is who i do most of my practicing on which can be a little difficult since i am a sahm and it's just me and him most of the time. I am learning thru friends on the computer and just information off the internet, i'm not taking it as school so i am basically learning on my own. I have no idea how to use photoshop but in the last 2 wks i have learned a bit and started to play with actions! i love actions! so feel free to comment any advice or cc on my pictures it will all be greatly appreciated!